Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring has Sprung! Time to Plant?

Weather is warming, plants are over growing their containers and the garden beds are ready!
Time to Plant!  J and I have been steadily busy working the beds, transplanting the seedlings into bigger pots,spreading some great compost and pounding in the stakes for the beans. 

Looks like we could be ready to plant.  Or............should we wait?
Never can be too sure about the frost in this area!  We will see what tomorrow brings. Last week we planted the bean seeds, lettuce, chard, beets, spinach, and carrots,  checked on the raspberry vines we transplanted and put the 3 varieties of seed potatoes into their above ground beds.

We are anticipating an awesome harvest!!!!

We are in need of some volunteers to help weed, and then harvest the veggies.  If you or someone you know want to help out....please give me a call.  We will put you to work!

Friday, April 2, 2010

The Hoop Houses Have it "Gowing On"!

The Hoop Houses have it "growing on"!
The lettuce, spinach and swiss chard have really taken off this last month with the little bit of sunshine that showed up.  
The trick is keeping the chickens out!

I moved some of the veggie starts out to the hoop houses to begin hardening them off.  They seem to be doing really well.