How often do we procrastinate about taking the time to seek the great outdoors, the miracles that God put before us to enjoy with open arms? What's holding us back? What is keeping us from getting in the car, on our bikes, or simply by foot, to breathe the fresh air and feel the brush of an aromatic cedar tree against our skin? There is so much to see right in our own back yards! It is amazing; the life, the beauty that abounds all around us, if we just took the time to soak it all in and appreciate all that has been given us to enjoy. How I long to get outside today after a long day at work!
Despite all of the troubling things going on in the world today, we can find peace in knowing that God is always with us. We do not have to go far to find him! "This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." PSALM 118:24
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